Blog overview

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Read our numerous articles and immerse yourself in the world of fashion. Whether stories and anecdotes, the latest trends, our sustainability posts in the Princess Goes Conscious section or fascinating facts and figures on fashion.


Marine-Look: Dieser Modetrend ist gerade RIESIG – und diese Teile brauchst du jetzt unbedingt!

Marine-Look: Dieser Modetrend ist gerade RIESIG – und diese Teile brauchst du jetzt unbedingt!

Der Trend, den du nicht verpassen darfst! Der Marine-Style ist zurück – moderner, frischer und vielseitiger als je zuvor! Inspiriert von klassischen Matrosen-Looks, überzeugt dieser...

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Die Jeansjacke – Warum dieser Klassiker in jeden Kleiderschrank gehört

Die Jeansjacke – Warum dieser Klassiker in jeden Kleiderschrank gehört

Die Jeansjacke ist ein zeitloser Klassiker, der in keinem Kleiderschrank fehlen darf. Vielseitig kombinierbar – von casual über elegant bis rockig – ist sie das...

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Hut ab! Feier mit uns den National Hat Day und hol dir die besten Stylingideen

Hats off! Celebrate National Hat Day with us and get the best styling ideas

Imagine if there was a day dedicated to your favorite accessories - hats! That's exactly what National Hat Day is. Every year on January 15th,...

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Halloween, aber stilvoll: Die besten Looks und Tipps für deinen Fashion-Auftritt

Halloween, but stylish: The best looks and tips for your fashion appearance

Halloween doesn't just bring spooky things and sweets, but also the most exciting opportunity to live out your fashion sense! This magical night is no...

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Princess goes Conscious

Pflegewaschmittel von Princess Goes Hollywood

Princess Goes Hollywood detergent

Sustainable care for delicate fabrics! Discover the environmentally friendly detergent line from Princess Goes Hollywood - ideal for cashmere, wool, silk and cotton. With natural...

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Leinen als Sommerstoff - das macht es so beliebt

Linen as a summer fabric - that's what makes it so popular

Linen - a musty eco-fabric? Not anymore! More and more trendy luxury fashion houses like Jacquemus or Dior are relying on the summery flax fabric...

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Auf Schnäppchenjagd - Tipps für nachhaltiges Sale-Shopping

Hunting for bargains - tips for sustainable sale shopping

The end of the year is bargain season . Whether on the Internet or in stores, the four capital letters SALE flash at us everywhere....

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Auf Tuchfühlung - das sind die beliebtesten nachhaltigen Textilien

In close contact - these are the most popular sustainable textiles

More fashion manufacturers than ever are advertising sustainably produced clothing , because the topic of sustainability is a trend in the fashion industry and is...

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Facts and dictionaries

Feminin und fabelhaft: Wie wir am National Dress Day die Magie von Kleidern feiern

Feminine and Fabulous: How We Celebrate the Magic of Dresses on National Dress Day

Almost every woman knows this moment: you slip into a dress and suddenly you feel like you can conquer the world. Whether elegant, playful or...

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Mini, Midi, Maxi - Lass uns den National Skirt Day rocken!

Mini, midi, maxi - let's rock National Skirt Day!

On March 10th, we celebrate a day dedicated to just one item of clothing - and not just any item, but the skirt! National Skirt...

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Wilde und stylische Looks: So rockst du den Internationalen Tag des Zebras mit Animal Prints

Wild and stylish looks: How to rock International Zebra Day with animal prints

International Zebra Day - doesn't that sound like an occasion that is as unique as it is stylish? This special day not only offers an...

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Luxus aus der Natur – das macht Kaschmir so besonders

Luxury from nature – that’s what makes cashmere so special

Cashmere is one of the highest quality and most exclusive animal fibers in the world and makes every cashmere garment an investment for many years....

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Girl Power deluxe: Weltfrauentag mit Stil, Spass und deiner BFF

Girl Power deluxe: Weltfrauentag mit Stil, Spass und deiner BFF

Der Weltfrauentag ist die perfekte Gelegenheit, Freundschaft, Female Empowerment und Mode zu zelebrieren. Ob bei einem Fashion-Picknick mit Pizza & Prosecco, einer inspirierenden Shopping-Tour oder...

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Denim Day - Ein Tag mit einer starken Botschaft

Denim Day - A day with a strong message

Denim Day is much more than a fashion event - it is a global symbol of solidarity, justice and female empowerment. Originally launched as a...

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Sich selbst zum Valentinstag beschenken? Absolut!

Treat yourself to a Valentine's Day present? Absolutely!

Why not celebrate the most important person in your life on Valentine's Day - yourself? It doesn't matter whether you are happily engaged, happily single...

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Von Leo Muster bis Animal Print: So modisch feiern wir den Tag des Geparden

From Leo Pattern to Animal Print: This is how we celebrate Cheetah Day

International Cheetah Day is just around the corner - and what better reason to really shake up your wardrobe? Animal prints like leopard prints and...

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