Frühlingsputz – So organisierst du deine Garderobe für die warmen Tage

Spring cleaning – How to organize your wardrobe for the warm days

Why does it make sense to reorganize your wardrobe twice a year?

It's worth taking the time in autumn and spring for seasonal Re-sorting clothes and sending unsuitable items of clothing to the basement, attic or a separate closet, regardless of whether there would be enough space for all the styles. Why? Because according to the motto “less is more”, you can more easily get an overview of how you can combine all the styles that suit the weather. You only see the items in your wardrobe that you really want to wear now - and you don't have to rummage through all the unwearables.

The seasonal change has another nice side effect: When you bring your summer clothes out of hibernation, you rediscover them every time and develop new ideas for how you can combine them in the new year. All you need is a few new eye-catchers to be able to put together numerous new outfits. You can also extend the lifespan of clothing if you always store it neatly and carefully.


Step 1: Plan enough time

Anyone who regularly rearranges their wardrobe knows exactly what a tedious process it is. But not because it takes so long to store the individual items of clothing, but because we often get lost in the process by finding old styles and having to try them on or try out new combinations.

To ensure that you dedicate enough time to the mission of “ arranging your closet ,” it is best to set aside a whole day for it. Because what could be more stressful than having to rush through sorting and then stopping in the middle because other obligations suddenly call? See this date with your wardrobe as quality time with yourself, turn on your favorite playlist and plunge into the wild jungle of clothes hangers full of vigor and desire for order.

Tip: If you do that Cleaning out your closet If you find it an unreasonable challenge, you are welcome to get your friends to help you. They will be at your side with honest advice and maybe even grab one or two items of clothing, so fun at work is guaranteed!

Step 2: Everything has to go - the big sorting out

The easiest way is to start your wardrobe project by throwing all the clothes out of the wardrobe and into a large pile and then sorting them into three different piles:

  • Stack 3 : Which statement pieces don't necessarily always have to be within reach (e.g. festive blouses , evening dresses)? Or which items have to wait on the bench for now because you're not sure whether and how often you'll wear them?
  • Stack 4 : Which items of clothing have become obsolete or can be sold/donated?


You can then take your summer clothes out of the boxes and put them together in a big pile. You can then examine all the parts carefully and assign them to the existing stacks 2, 3 and 4. Before you start putting things away, you can neatly fold all the items you have sorted out and pack them away well protected - this will reduce the temptation to keep one or two items in the wardrobe even though you won't wear them.

Tip: stick with Wardrobe sorting and trying on, always have something to write with. If you notice that you are missing a certain item of clothing or accessory in your wardrobe to make up more outfits, be sure to write it down. In this way, you can take advantage of the opportunity to think intensively about your wardrobe and avoid impulsive purchases later, which will then just end up gathering dust in the closet. For more sustainability on the shelves and clothes hangers, we rely on fashion with tactics.

Step 3: Find the right system

When it comes to that Organizing a wardrobe There is no right or wrong. It is important that you think about which system is most logical for you. Does it make you happy when you hang all your tops sorted by color? Or would you rather just organize by type and length? We have Top 3 tips for organizing closets to you:

  • Keep at hand: No matter how you organize your jeans, shirts , jackets , etc. in your closet, the following applies when putting things away: the more often you wear an item, the easier it should be to find in your closet. Constant searching and rummaging around is the biggest enemy of order. You should put things that are rarely used at the back, top, bottom or sides of the cupboard - but all your favorite items should be in the middle and at eye level.
  • People of the same kind stick together: The most logical thing is to wear clothes in... Sort your wardrobe by category : Jeans to jeans, T-shirts to all other shirts, hoodies to sweaters and so on. Think carefully about how and where you store the different items of clothing. If hanging space is limited, you should give priority to shirts and blouses, for example, as well as certain dresses (especially those made of silk), as these wrinkle most quickly. Knitted sweaters, on the other hand, should be stored lying down so that they don't unravel so quickly.
  • Sort by color: If your clothes are sorted by category and optionally length, you can go one step further and organize them by color. This not only looks much tidier, but also puts you in a good mood and makes it more fun to put together different outfits. When it comes to the color sequence, you can simply use the rainbow as a guide

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