When does clothing become statically charged?
There are definitely better things than clothing that sticks to your body or giving you mini electric shocks every time you reach for the door handle. But once you understand how... static charge of clothing, you can do this with just a few tricks simply avoid it .
When it gets colder outside and the heating is used, the indoor air is often very dry. This dryness increases the friction of various materials, especially synthetic textiles. In this way, the fabrics distort and become statically charged. But that doesn't mean that you have to do without your favorite styles with synthetic content in winter.
Hand fan Princess
Hand fan Princess
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Fitted blazer
Fitted blazer
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Suede biker suede jacket
Suede biker suede jacket
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Top tips against static electricity in clothing
Your Dress constantly sticks to your tights or yours pullover suddenly crackles unpleasantly? Then you should do this Anti-static tricks definitely try it out!
- A metal hanger works wonders! It's best to test it yourself: Simply slide a standard metal clothes hanger through the inside of your clothes and that's it Garment statically discharged and ready to be styled. No hair sticking out at all!
2. Everything is okay with hairspray! Did you know that you can simply spray some hairspray on the inside of static-charged clothing to discharge it? However, make sure to have at least 20 cm distance when spraying, otherwise you risk unsightly stains.
3. Especially for Sweaters and cardigans There is a simple trick for coarse knitting: attach a safety pin to an inconspicuous part of the garment and the electrical voltage is automatically dissipated through the small piece of metal.
4. In addition to clothing made of wool or with synthetic content, shoe soles made of rubber also support this electrostatic charge . Rubber soles prevent the charge from flowing through the floor. If you wear a lot of clothing with static electricity, it is better to wear shoes with leather soles.
5. Do you love stylish knitted hats , but struggle with sticky hair every time? Does your dress or skirt constantly stick to your tights and bother you when you walk? This trick not only helps you, To avoid static charge , but also cares for your stressed skin. A dab of body lotion or hand cream in your hair provides the necessary moisture to prevent electrostatic charge. The same applies to all other areas of the body where clothing tends to stick. For example, apply moisturizing care to your legs before you put on your tights - you won't give static charge a chance. Be sure to try it out!
6. If your clothes often become statically charged, now is the time to get more plants for your home or office. Why? Plants work wonders when it comes to static electricity by ensuring a better indoor climate and counteracting dry heating air. Alternatively, you can also put a bowl of water on the heater, admittedly the first solution is of course much nicer.
7. Do you like to tumble dry your clothes? This is of course comfortable, but it ensures, for example, that your sweaters or hoodies are particularly dry and, in combination with dry air, become electrostatically charged even faster. Therefore our tip: let your laundry air dry or take the clothes out of the dryer about 10 minutes before the end of the program. High-quality detergents also ensure that your winter styles remain cuddly.